Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lesson for Life 5

Before you were born, God saw you, and He endowed you with gifts and talents uniquely designed for you. He gave us ideas and creativity, as well as specific areas in which you can excel.

So why, then, still so many people today feel unfulfilled? trying to earn living and stuck in a career even they don’t like? The answer is because they aren’t pursuing the desire God has placed in them.

Friends, if we are not moving toward God-given destiny, discouragements, dissatisfaction, and tension will start to creep in our life and it won’t go away; it will stay with us for the rest of our lives until we move toward God’s design for our life. We may manage everything around us, but we will never live with passion and enthusiasm. This is sad because we never allow our inner potentials to bring us to fulfill our destiny.

So how do we discover our sense of divine destiny? It has to do with what excites you, what you are passionate about. Your destiny is somewhat connected to the dreams and desires that are in your heart. God was the one that created you and He was also the one that put all those desires and dreams in the first place. If you love art or design, may your destiny is connected with something that has to do with it - inspiring people with arts - just like Thomas Kinkade. Or if you love kids, your destiny might be connected with teaching, coaching, or caring for kids.

Pursuing our destiny always requires perseverance, skills, and hard work. It won’t come quickly or easily. Sometimes we must push through and learn new things more. But do not be discouraged, as you faithfully exercise releasing what’s inside of you, the Lord will open more new ways for you until you reach your destiny.


Are you tapping into the potential that’s on the inside?
Have you discovered what you do best, what comes naturally? And are you exciting in that area?

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